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Documents > Autoglass > Booking
LILAC Document Help
Autoglass > Booking
This document is used primarily to access the 'Booking Manager' and 'Fitter Matrix' buttons from the ribbon.
These buttons open a window to schedule and release Quotations with Booking Numbers for completion and invoicing.
'Bookit' Button
QnB Autoglass
QnB MekElek
Autoglass > Quotation
MekElek > Quotation
Confirm or Edit
Autoglass Booking Manager Window
Click and Move
Confirmed Bookings Window
Tick or Edit
Fitter Matrix Window
Invoice to Complete
Fitter App
Autoglass > Quotation
MekElek > Quotation
QNB TOOL : Quote No Generated in QnB Tool
- In the QnB Tool, a Quote No is generated when a Name, Suburb, Postcode, and Mobile are entered.
- At this point the Quote No exists only in the QnB Tool (and the Branch AGHO), that is to say the Quote No is not yet assigned to a Branch AGNS, AGSS, etc for further processing.
- Quote No are not processed from AGHO, Quote No remain in AGHO in their original initial state for reference purposes.
- Quote remains in QnB Tool and AGHO (reference only Quotation), until booked with the 'Book It' button.
QNB TOOL : 'Book It' button: Quote No Copied from QnB Tool to a Branch, AGNS, AGSS, etc
- With a Quote No now established in the the QnB Tool, typically further information is added to a Quote No. For example, email, Supply & Fit Windscreen Make and Model, or in the MekElek context the Service Required, and Parts.
- For the Quote No to be assigned to a Branch AGNS, AGSS, etc, for further processing, the 'Book It' button in the QnB Tool:
1. Places the Quote No in the in a Branch AGNS, AGSS, etc..
2. Places Quote No in the 'Autoglass Booking Manager'. (It may then be passed to 'Confirmed Bookings' to 'Fitter Matrix' to 'Fitter App').
3. 'Book It' also generates a Booking No, within a week, Week End Key.
- Within each week, (Week End. eg 20250209 a Sunday) the range of Booking No is 0001-9999.
- With a new week beginning on a Monday, a new Week End eg 20250216 a Sunday... is auto generated, and Booking No reset 0000-9999.
DOCUMENTS > AUTOGLASS BOOKING : Quote to Invoice Sequence via pop up Child Windows and Apps
From this point on Quotes with Booking Numbers are available and accessible from ribbon buttons within Autoglass Booking.
- 'Autoglass Booking Manager' Window -> Confirm or Edit.
- 'Confirmed Bookings' Window -> Selected and moved to Fitter Matrix.
- 'Fitter Matrix' Window -> 'Tick' release booking to Mobile Fitter App, or, 'Edit' to complete from the Documents > Autoglass > Quotation, or, Documents > Mechanical Electrical > Quotation.
LILAC DOCUMENTS : Documents > Autoglass > Quotation, and, Documents > Mechanical Electrical > Quotation
To access a LILAC Quotation in a Branch go to:
- Autoglass Quote No go to: Documents > Autoglass Quotation.
- MekElek Quote No go to: Documents > Mechanical Electrical > Quotation.
- Quotations can be processed to Invoice within the LILAC Quotation Documents, however this is usually done as detailed above via the buttons in the ribbon of Documents > Autoglass > Booking.
- New Quotations can be generated from the LILAC Quotation Documents. In these instances an entity suffix, ie SS (for AGSS) is added in front of the Quote number . Within the LILAC Quotation Documents there is a 'Book It' button for such Quotes generated with a prefix, placing the Quote in 'Autoglass Booking Manager' and generating a Booking No, similar as those which pass through the QnB Tool.
- Quotations are usually processed to invoice via Documents > Autoglass > Booking the ribbon buttons: Booking Manager and Fitter Matrix.
Autoglass Booking Manager - Child Window
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Documents > Autoglass > Booking
Confirm moves a Booking Number to the 'Confirmed Bookings' Window.
Booking Manager from the Ribbon
>>> Autoglass Booking Manager Window
Autoglass Booking Manager Window
1- Autoglass Booking Manager Window
Confirm a Booking Number to the (next) 'Confirmed Bookings' window.
A Booking may be Edited, which returns the user to the Quotation for editing.
Refresh the window by moving to and from a day, ie Tue > Wed.
The Week End key allows movement to different weeks.
Confirm moves a Booking Number to the 'Confirmed Bookings' Window.
Autoglass Booking Manager Child Window
The booking in grey above is moved using mouse clicks from the 'Confirmed Bookings' window into the 'Fitter Matrix' window, and ticked. The status of this booking is now 'Despatched' to the mobile Fitter App.
Confirmed Bookings and Fitter Matrix - Windows
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Documents > Autoglass > Booking
Fitter Matrix from the Ribbon
>>> Confirmed Bookings Window
>>> Fitter Matrix Window
2 - Confirmed Bookings Window
The 'Confirmed Bookings' window is used with a mouse click (to select a booking), and then mouse click on the 'Fitter Matrix' window to allocate the booking to a Fitter. This action moves the booking from the 'Confirmed Bookings' window to the 'Fitter Matrix' window.
3 - Fitter Marix Window
The 'Fitter Matrix' window is used to manage and release bookings to Fitters, managing the visibility of Bookings on the mobile Fitter App.
Autoglass Force Majeure Jobs - Window
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Documents > Autoglass > Booking
Force Majeure from the Ribbon
>>> Autoglass Force Majeure Jobs

Force Majeure / Hail Event
Force Majeure / Hail Event is a catch all bucket from the QnB Tool, enabling all Quotations to reside in the green Force Majeure window below, from which the jobs maybe cherry picked by any entity. The reason for this is that in the circumstance of a hail event or other disaster, all jobs can be captured without the need to allocating the job to a specific entity (branch), simplifying and speeding up the job collection process. In such a scenario, entities may share and crossover locations to complete the many jobs that are captured during a dynamic event such as hail, which will require dynamic allocation of jobs.

In the circumstance of a Hail Event, Setup > Control will enable the use of the Force Majeure / Hail Event button in the QnB Tool (in addition to the Book It button).

The Force Majeure / Hail Event button can be used to book job to the green Force Majeure window below.
Jobs in this window have a booking Number of PARK in AGHO only.

All entities see the same green Force Majeure window, and a able to select jobs to the entity the User is signed in to.
The jobs appear under all of the Monday through Sunday column headers, until selected, at which point a numeric Booking number is given (replacing PARK), and the Quotation is copied to the Entity.
The Job now sits in 1 - Booking Manager window, and normal procedures apply.

Is used to Confirm a Booking Number to the 'Confirmed Bookings' window.
A Booking may be Edited, which returns the user to the Quotation for editing.
Refresh the window by moving from and to a day.
The Weed End key allows movement to different weeks.

*Quotation -> Force Majeure / Hail Event -> Fitter App: Process*
QnB Tool:
Quote is established.
Quote remains in QnB Tool and AGHO as a Quotation, until Force Majeure / Hail Event button selected.

QnB Tool:
Quote is then booked to a date, via Force Majeure / Hail Event button.
Quote remains in QnB Tool and AGHO (only) as a Quotation.

The Quotation is then accessed via the green Force Majeure window above, where it can be confirmed + is copied to the Entity as a Quotation with a Booking Number.

**From this point Bookings are available in Booking Manager, which is accessed from the document to which this Help Page refers to.

The Booking Number is then available in the 'Autoglass Booking Manager' window -> Confirm or Edit.
The Booking Number is then available in the 'Confirmed Bookings' window -> Selected and moved to Fitter Matrix.
The Booking Number is then available in the 'Fitter Matrix' window -> Release booking to Mobile Fitter App.
Autoglass - QnB to Invoice - Screenshots
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Documents > Autoglass > Booking
The following pages are screenshots to provide a visual example of the QnB Tool, then the schedule and release of Quotations with Booking Numbers for completion and invoicing.
Autoglass - QnB to Invoice - Screenshots
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Documents > Autoglass > Booking
Autoglass - QnB to Invoice - Screenshots
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Documents > Autoglass > Booking
Autoglass - QnB to Invoice - Screenshots
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Documents > Autoglass > Booking
Autoglass - QnB to Invoice - Screenshots
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Documents > Autoglass > Booking
Autoglass - QnB to Invoice - Screenshots
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Documents > Autoglass > Booking
Autoglass - QnB to Invoice - Screenshots
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Documents > Autoglass > Booking
Autoglass - QnB to Invoice - Screenshots
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Documents > Autoglass > Booking